About Us & Support

Mill Prong Preservation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charity.  We have a board of directors consisting of descendants of Mill Prong residents and other interested persons. 

From the President

You can learn more about how to help and participate in the Mill Prong House by reading newsletters from the president: 


Do you enjoy being hands-on in a museum or would you like to learn? We would greatly appreciate volunteers in the following areas: 

Mill Prong House Membership

Do you want to keep history alive for future generations in the Cape Fear & Lumber River Valley regions? Consider becoming a member. We receive no regular state, federal, or local funds so your support is vital to our future!

You can pay with PayPal

or mail a check to: 

Mill Prong Preservation, Inc.

c/o Cindy Thomson, Treasurer

307 Meadowbrook Road

Charlotte, NC 28211

If you're not interested in membership, please consider a one-time or recurring donation to support what we do!